Photos from the end of week 2 - 4/12/09

Garage ready to go.  We had to re-do a couple things.  10" course of block first then the top 4" course

Our big hole, a.k.a. the crawl space and footing for the new addition


We're saving off a wee bit of topsoil :-).   And glad we're putting in proper drainage.  

The south end of the house.  


Our reclaimed stash of brick from the south end.

The big hole looking west

We've already hauled away numerous 5 yard loads and we still have all this dirt to go.  Allie could go crazy digging in this big pile

The side yard 


All the stud walls are completely gone now.  The BIG LVL's are in place holding everything up.  We're looking from the entry door toward the new kitchen area in this picture.

Looking from the south end of the living room to the entry.  There will be a short wall and arch area in the opening you see now when it's all complete.

Looking back at the entry.  Skylights waiting to be put in tomorrow.

Kitchen looking to the living room


Looking into the living room from the North corner of the new kitchen

The beginnings of our skylight well.

The tray ceiling taking shape.